The comments plugin requires an application id to properly namespace the provided xid

I recently got stuck while integrating a comments section into a webpage. The social plugin always threw a “The comments plugin requires an application id to properly namespace the provided xid.” at me.

There’s was no solution in Google, so I will post my solution here.

In my case I had called the script two times. Once in the header:


And then later in the sidebar (for a simple fan-box)


I don’t know what exactly caused the conflict. I believe the second call somehow erased my ap-id… Anyway, by removing …script src=”… (red box) from the sidebar, both plugins worked fine.

27 thoughts on “The comments plugin requires an application id to properly namespace the provided xid

  1. @Edward That very much depends on how your site is build. In my case, I deleted the connect that came with the comment plugin, because I was already connected through the fan-box plugin that resides in my sidebar (and is loaded first*). The sidebar is included in every page on the site, so I could safely remove the connect in the comment plugin.

    *Logically: When using more than one social plugin, it’s imperative that the connection script is executed before the first social plugin on the page is loaded, otherwise that or following plugins won’t work.

  2. Hi Mike
    You are actually making the call twice. At the comment plugin you have the line:


    Even though that doesn’t seem to have all.js in it, it DOES open the connect javascript. Try to remove that code it and see what happens.

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